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Parodontitis Zürich Seefeld 1

Periodontology Zurich:
You can find us in our practice in Seefeld.

We are looking forward to your visit!

Parodontitis / Gum disease
Periodontology Zurich

Periodontitis, also popularly known as periodontosis, is a bacterial inflammation of the tooth bed. We offer a wide range of periodontal treatments in our practice in Zurich Seefeld. The periodontium (the holding apparatus of the tooth) refers to the gums, cement, and bone around the tooth. Periodontitis is the most common cause of tooth loss in adult dentition. Unfortunately, this chronic disease is often diagnosed too late.

The cause of this inflammation, is a group of anaerobic bacteria. Because they are not dependent on oxygen, they can survive unnoticed in the periodontium and thereby initiate the inflammatory processes. This chronic process cause irreversible destruction of the bone and gums, and over the years, leads to tooth loss.


Periodontitis has a strong genetic link, but it is also accelerated by many other factors such as tobacco, alcohol, and most of all poor oral hygiene. Scientifically, there is also a connection between periodontitis and the increased risk of the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, and premature births, therefore, a treatment is necessary. Periodontitis screening and treatment is therefore an essential part of our treatments. The diagnosis is usually made during a dental check-up or dental hygiene appointment. Using X-ray imaging and measuring instruments, we can precisely determine the extent of bone and gum loss.

Healthy periodontium vs. parodontitis

Parodontitis Zürich Seefeld 2

The treatment then consists of the mechanical removal of the bacteria and debris during a tooth cleaning. Depending on the extent of the inflammation, this is done above or below the gums. In more severe cases, we can also do a bacterial test to determine the exact type of bacterial colonisation and a use a targeted antibiotic treatment.


If, during your checkup, a acute or chronic periodontitis is determined, we create an individually tailored treatment plan with our patients. This may initially involves a higher frequency of profession tooth cleanings and controls in order to stabilisation of the inflammation and reduce its progression. Furthermore, correct at-home tooth brushing techniques and patient motivation are paramount in a therapeutic success.

Periodontology Zurich: You can find us in our practice in Seefeld.  Contact us today. We are looking forward to your visit!

Parodontitis Zürich Seefeld 3

Periodontitis should not be ignored, as it is estimated to cause
70% of tooth loss 
in adults. 

Our services

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